Analysis and Achievement of Grade Two English Vocabulary

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Department of English Education
This research is about analysis and achievement of Grade II Englishvocabulary of Government schools. The research is carried out to mark theGrade II English vocabulary in two ways: firstly the study on total vocabularyitems, the frequency and the items just introduced in Grade II; secondly theachievement under the sub-headings total vocabulary achievement, schoolwiseachievement, itemwise achievement, and the difficulty level of the vocabularyitems. To carry out this research, the researcher descriptively studied the GradeII vocabulary items, then the researcher administered the final achievement ofvocabulary items developing a-hundred-mark’s test sheet. The researcherrandomly selected three government schools, 30 students from each and the testwas administered. The researcher listed the items and presented the result oftest objectively and precisely. The research work found 413 words to be used in Grade II Englishtextbook which belonged to different parts of speech. Nouns occupied almost ahalf (47.7%) of the total vocabulary used in Grade II. There were 272 itemswhich were introduced in Grade II only. The second portion was about vocabulary achievement under differentsub-headings. 50% or above (out of 100%) was supposed to be satisfactoryresult. The achievement was found quite satisfactory since majority (92.22%)of students were found above the average level (50% or above). It was a goodachievement in total. Nouns were the easiest for the students than othervocabulary items. The present study is divided into fourmajor chapters. The first chapterdeals with a short introduction of English language in general; curriculum,syllabus, textbook, vocabulary, literature review, objectives and significance ofthe study.The second chapter concerns with the methodology adopted to carry outthis research work. The third chapter analyses and interprets the data. It presents thevocabulary used in the Grade II textbook, achievement of vocabulary by thestudents and the difficulty level of the students. The fourth chapterdeals with major findings and the recommendationsof the present study.