Study of Habitat and Population Status of Spotted Deer (Axis Axis,Erxleben) in Chitwan National Park

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Department of Zoology
STUDY OF HABITAT AND POPULATION STATUS OF SPOTTED DEER(Axis axis, ERXLEBEN) IN CHITWAN NATIONAL PARK, NEPAL, was studiedbetween May 2006 and July 2006. The main objectives were to study the habitatutilization and population status of spotted deer in the northern side of the ChitwanNational Park. The transect line-plot methods were used for the study of habitat utilization andvegetation of the study area. Similarly, direct observations were employed for thepopulation study. Plant species likeShorea robusta, Syzigium cerasoides, Litsea monopetalaandDillenia pentagynawere dominant in Sal forest while Murraya koenigii, Glochidionvelutinum, Errata elliptica, Trewia nudiflora, Litsea monopetalaandBombox ceiba inriverine forest. The dominated species in grassland were Sachharum spontaneum,Imperata cylindrica, Digitarea ciliarisetc. The average density of spotted deer was estimated 23 individual per squarekilometer at present study. The male to female sex ratio was 1:1.8. The riverine forest which was dominated byTrewia nudifloraandBombox ceibawith less dense understory of shrubs and saplings was most preferred. The spotted deerpreferred floodplain grassland where density of grasses was low and height less thanchest height.