Classroom management by female English language teachers: A narrative inquiry

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Department of English Education
This thesis entitled “Classroom Management by Female English Language Teachers”: A Narrative Inquiry was carried out to explore the factors which affect female English language teachers of Basic level to manage the classroom. To fulfill the set objectives of the study, both primary and secondary sources of data were used. The research was conducted by adopting the research tools; diary writing of class observation and semi- structured interview. The study shows that all affecting factors: social, physical and academic are prime factors for managing the effective classroom management by female English language teachers of basic level. It was found that to meet the teaching learning objectives classroom management is an essential part for creating fruitful and effective environment for teachers and students. Similarly, it was found that to overcome the affecting factors of classroom management, female English language teachers adopted various types of teaching techniques according to the need and interest of the learners as well as the content and context. The present study consists of five main chapters. The first chapter deals with the introduction of the study along with background of the study, statement of the problem, objectives of the study, research questions, significance of the study, delimitations of the study and operational definitions of the key terms. The second chapter contains the review of related literature and conceptual framework of the study. Similarly, the third chapter includes methods and procedures of the study, design of the study, population and sample, sampling strategies, data collection tools, data collection procedures, data analysis and interpretation procedures and ethical considerations. Likewise, the fourth chapter deals with the analysis and interpretation of the collected data descriptively. Finally, chapter five comprises the findings, conclusion and recommendations in policy related and further researches. At the end, the references and appendices are have been included.