Case in English and Magar:A Comparative Study

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Department of English Language Education
The thesis entitled 'CASE IN ENGLISH AND MAGAR: ACOMPARTIVE STUDY' is an attempt to identify cases in the Magarlanguage and to compare and contrast them with those of English. Theresearcher has found out that the Magar is a tripartite type of languagewhereas English is a nominative accusative type of language. In tripartitesystem, all the arguments S, A and P are treated differently. As a result,they are marked with case markers. The cases identified in the Magar aregenitive, instrumental, dative, comitative, ablative/source, goal andlocative. Suffixes are found to be used as case markers in the Magarlanguage. Word order does not play a vital role in meaning change in theMagar language. The researcher collected data from forty-eight native speakers ofBarah Magarati language also known as Dhut Magar language. TwoVDCs namely Radhapur and Rajhena of Banke district were the researchfields for the researcher to elicit data from the informants. He used boththe primary and secondary sources to carry outthis research work. The thesis consists of four chapters. The first chapter deals withintroduction. It consists of general background, importance of the Englishlanguage, the sociolinguistic situation in Nepal, an introduction to theMagar language, an introduction to case, CA and its importance onlanguage teaching, review of related literature, objectives of the study andsignificance of the study. Chapter two deals with methodology. It encompasses sources ofdata, population of the study, sampling procedure, research tools,processes of data collection and limitations of the study. Chapter three deals with analysis and interpretation of the data. Itcomprises identification and analysis of cases in the Magar language andsimilarities and differences between the Magar and English cases. Chapter four encompasses findings and recommendations andpedagogical implications.