Terms of Address in English and Baitadeli

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Department of English Education
This thesis entitled “Terms of Address in English and Baitadeli” looks in tohow the speakers of two languages select the termsof address according to theaddressee’s age, sex, status or relationship. The informantsof the Baitadeliwere asked to respond to questions in the written form. The study made acomparison of the terms of address used for consanguinal relations, affinalrelations and social relations including strangers, friends, teachers and students,people holding professional positions like officers, doctors, nurses and others inBaitadeli society. The data was collected from 80 native speakers of Baitadeliin Baitadi district. The sources of data for the terms of address in English werebased on the previousresearches and different relatedbooks. The researcherhas found that Baitadeli is far richer in terms of address in comparison toEnglish. This thesis contains four chapters.The first chapter contains generalbackground, review of the related literature, objectives of the study,significance of the study. Similarly, the second chapter is related to themethodology, which deals with sources of data, populationof study, samplingprocedure, research tools, and process of data collection andlimitations of thestudy. Likewise, the third chapter is comprised of analysis, interpretation and presentation of the data obtained. Finally, the fourth chapter contains thefindings, recommendations and pedagogical implications of the study.Thischapter is followed by references and appendices.