Diversity of Subject Matter and Teaching Social Studies

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Faculty of Education Tribhuvan University Kritipur, Kathamandu, Nepal
The present study entitled, "Diversity of subject matter in teaching social studies” attempts to expose the scatterness of subject matter, classroom difficulties of teachers and students and causes and ways of solution of classroom difficulties. The researcher collected the data by using both primary and secondary sources using FGDs, unstructured interview, document study etc. This thesis consists of five chapters. Chapter-one presents the general background of the study, statement of problem, rationale of the study, objectives of the study, research questions, significance of the study, delimitations of the study and definitions of the terms used in the thesis. Chapter -two deals with the review of the related literature with theoretical literature review and empirical literature review. Chapter-three focuses on methods and procedures applied/adopted to conduct the study. It consists of design of the study, population and sample of the study, sampling procedures, sources of data, tools for data collection, process of data collection and the analysis and interpretation of the data. Chapter-four is devoted to the results and discussions of the data collected from informants through interview schedule. The data were analyzed and interpreted presenting them in tables . And summary, conclusions and implications drawn on the basis of analysis and interpretation of data which have been included in the last chapter. The implications have been presented for policy, practice and further research levels. Lastly some information about the components of study population was given in appendices