Perspective on the Use of Nepali Language in English Classroom

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Faculty of Education Tribhuvan University Sukuna Multiple Campus KoshiHaraincha, Morang
The present research study entitled Perspective on the Use of Nepali Language in English Classroom is an attempt to analyze the perspective of teachers and students. While undergoing the research, the researcher sampled four secondary (community) school of Morang district. Twenty students and ten teachers were selected from secondary levels of community school. The principal objectives of this study are to explore views towards the use of Nepali language in English classroom, to explore the reasons of using Nepali language in English classroom and to suggest some pedagogical implications. The methodology employed to carry out this study was the survey research based on qualitative and quantitative (mixed) method. This research has been produced by the use of primary and secondary sources. The survey tools used in this study were observation and questionnaire and the data were analyzed and interpreted descriptively. It was found that both learners and teachers need of the using Nepali language in English classroom and also found that background of student, exposure of English language influence of mother tongue play vital role using Nepali in English classroom. It contains five main chapters. The first chapter deals with background of the study, statement of the problem, objective of the study, research questions significance of the study delimitations of the study, definition of the terms used. The second chapter deals with the review of theoretical literature, review of empirical literature, theoretical / conceptual, frame work. The third chapter deals with design and method of study population sample and sampling strategy, study site, sources of data, collection procedures, data analysis and interpretation procedure. The fourth chapter deals with analysis and interpretation of result, summary of findings. The chapter five deals with conclusion, recommendation policy & practice related, further research related. The final section of the study includes the references and appendices.