Child Laborers in Hotels and Restaurants of bhaktapur District

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Department of Population Studies
The study has tried to depict the socio economic situation of the child laborersworking in the hotel and restaurant. To analyze the situation, Bhaktapur district isselected. The study is based on the primary data collected from different small hoteland restaurant of the Bhaktapur district in 2008.The researcher has found that thesituation of the children working in the hotel and restaurant are worse. This is sobecause they are exploited at their work place. The reason why they are here to work is mainly due to the poor economicconditionalthough there is some other cause like broken family etc. Though some are found tobe from the district which is far like Dhanusa, Chitwan. One worker was found to befrom the India. The child laborers are compelled to Work beyond their capacity andthey even have to face harsh and hard voice. The masters are not even consciousabout the health of the child working in the restaurant.