Knowledge and Opinion of Adolescents Girls of Hss towards Reproductive And Sexual Health in Dharan

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Faculty of Education
The thesis entitled '' Knowledge and opinion of Adolescents girls of HSS Towards Reproductive and Sexual Health in Dharan.'' was carried out in order to assess the different RH and SH issues that are under operation in determining knowledge and opinion of girls of Dharan. The specific objectives of the study were: (i) To assess the knowledge and opinion towards reproductive and sexual health among adolescents' girls. (ii) To identify the opinion of ideal age of marriage and family size. (iii) To identify the perceived knowledge about ASRH Education. The study was qualitative and quantitative in its nature. Data were collected mainly with primary source. For this all girls' students of class 9, 10, 11 & 12 from three H.S.S. of Dharan were selected as respondents. The objective of this study was to find out knowledge and opinion of Adolescence girls in higher Secondary school in Dharan. Simple random sampling technique was used for this study. A total of 227 adolescent school girls were included in the final analysis of surveyed data. The questionnaire was directly administered and distributed to the girls of grade 9-12 who were randomly selected. In the data collection process female school teachers and other staffs were used. While selecting respondents, the researcher was concerned as selecting the respondents representing different class., Out of the total respondents representing different class. Out of 78 of 13-15 years and 149 in the age of 16-19 years. Higher proportion of the respondents had correct knowledge about female reproductive organs. Respondent had the correct knowledge about bodily changes during adolescent. They had knowledge of right age of menarche and had the knowledge of high risk for pregnancy in this period. The chosen age 20-25 years for right age of marriage and bearing child. Large number of respondents about family planning methods and desired number of children could be limited by the use of family methods. vi The study concluded that most respondents had to face with SRH problems due to change took place in adolescence. It was due to social taboo, lack of pre- knowledge on adolescents. So, girls had to encounter with menstruation problems, problems of teasing in school, inferiority complex, lack of guidance. All respondents responded school as a reliable place to provide SRH. They said that it helped to address ASRH problems. Most of the respondents answered that existing curriculum was not sufficient to provide ASRH information.
Sexual Health, Adolescents girls, Knowledge, Reproductive