Married Women School Teacher's Participationin Household Activities and DecisionMaking Process in Syangja District

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Department of Sociology
Education is one of the important approaches to up lift the condition of women from the conservative norms, values and patriarchal society. The main objective of thisstudy were to describe the participation of women in the domestic role and in the household decision making process. This research was an attempt to find out thestatus of married women school teacher in the domestic role and household decision making from their living area. This research has assessed weather they aresuccessful to change their socio-economic status in society. In addition to this studyhas explored to what extent age education, caste family income and decision makingin various part of their professional and personal life. For the successful achievements of the aboard objection, several tools andtechniques have been used. The research concerns with both primary as well assecondary source of data but emphasis has given to the primary source of data as itis more reliable, authentio and chose to the reality. Further more, focus group discussion with concern people interview with respondent, observation of school,collect data and analysis. The data were collected through the questionnaire, focusgroup discussion, interview and case study. The study has tried to trace role ofmarried women in the domestic role and household decision making process. The specific objectic were to identity the role and decision making in their family Theoutcomes of the research are quite encouraging as the situation of married women school teacher has improve as more than previous years. However male are inpermanent job where as female are temporary job. The study shows that any few of the married women school teacher were holding themaster degree. Most of the male and female are found to be co-operation to eachother in every sector of the work. Decision making power school teacher of Syangja district is found to be satisfactory.