Representation of the Black in Brown’s Clotel: or the President Daughter

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Department of English
This thesis deals with therepresentation of the Blacks in William Wells Brown's Clotel;or the President's Daughter.It arguesthat the representation has not beenhonest;it has denigrated the dignity of theBlackand delegated them to the rank of the people of inferior race. The thesis borrows ides from Frantz Fanon and other post-colonial critic who underscore politics and racial design behind misrepresentation of the people of onerace, especiallytheBlacks,by Westernscholarship.Through the analyses of thenovel'snarrative, thethesis also excavates linguistic strategies that have been used to perpetuate such racial discrimination.Thisthesis,therefore, analyses the plot as well as the narrativelanguage, and shows how the description of the plot, depiction of the character andthe use of the language have been made a tool of discrimination and misrepresentation.By doingso,it unveilsthe irony thecharacterize the American society, which is apparently is apparently democratic, but is practically still racist to a great extent.