Role of small scale cow farming on poverty alleviation (a study of Madi Municipality Basantpur, Chitwan District)

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Department of Rural Development
A thesis entitled "Role of Small Scale Cow Farming on Poverty Alleviation: A Study of Madi Municipality Basantpur, Chitwan District, has been conducted. The objectives of the study is to analyze the problems and prospects of small scale commercial cow farming of the study area. The specific objectives are to analyze the small scale cow farming on poverty alleviation in study area, to analyze the economic impact of small scale commercial cow farming in the study area and to explore the supporting and constraining factors of small scale commercial cow farming by using purposive and convenience method of sampling. This study is mainly based on primary data as well as secondary data. The sample for the study 114 households has been selected for study. The total family members of sampled households (114) are 594. The average family size per household is 5.21. Out of 594 only 13.64 percentage people are illiterate who are unable to read and write. Mainly these illiterate people are involved in the cow rearing. Literate persons who are in the age group of 15 to 59 are interested in getting exposure in cities and in the capital city Kathmandu and those who could not get better opportunities in Nepal seek employment opportunities in foreign countries. But the researcher found that, in some recent year a huge number of young people are also highly motivated to the agribusiness including commercial cow farming. The average land holding by sampled household is 2.85 kattha which can be assume as satisfactory for food production and livestock farming in small scale. A huge number of young entrepreneur are highly motivated in the commercialization of agri-business in some recent year in the context of Nepal, especially in Madi. Madi is being developed as one of the leading districts in agriculture as well as livestock farming because of its well climate and access of various facilities. Even though the history of commercial cow farming is not so long, people are encouraged to rear some local cows in their home than other livestock with the purpose of self consume as well business in the projected area. For the purpose of livestock farming, people used to assume cooperative and mother group as the easier way to financial management. Even this have so many problems, it have also so many prospects like; prospects to develop cow farming as a main occupation, prospects to increase the level of income, prospects to increase employment, prospects to capture national Milk market, prospect to increase the production capacity of land, prospect to make healthier life.