Factors Affecting Girls' Participation at Higher Secondary Level Mathematics in Doti District
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Department of Mathematics Education
This study focus on the factor affecting girls’ participation in higher secondary level mathematics. This is a survey type that attempts to describe the participation level of girls’ students in higher secondary level mathematics and to analyze the factors that affect participants. Six higher secondary schools were selected randomly from all higher schools of Doti District including rural and urban area. One set of observation schedule was administered to find out the level of girl students participation in mathematics class of selected class of sample higher secondary schools. And one set of opinionnaire scale was prepared and distributed to the girls’ students to find out the effect of teaching learning process, home environment, social variable, time variable, school environment and attitude towards mathematics in girl participation. Concerning to above factors unstructured interviews was taken with mathematics teachers from respective sample higher schools. Statistical test such as: - value was used to interpret the result and reflection was made over the statistical judgment.
This study shows that the participation of girl students is very low in comparison to boys in Mathematics. The main factors that affect participation are: male dominated society, less priority given by parents to their daughter than sons, different error made by students in solving mathematical problem, home environment, school environment, teaching learning process, drill and practice.
Girls participation, Learning mathematics