Difficultiesin Reading Comprehension

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Department of English Education
The present study entitled "Difficulties in Reading Comprehension" wascarried out with the aim to find out the problem faced by secondary levelstudents in reading comprehension and causes of students' poor readingcomprehension. In order tofulfil the objectives of the study, 60 secondary levelstudents and 20 English teachers of the same level were selected from the 20schools of the Kaski district through purposive sampling procedure. Two setsof questionnaire were the research tools for eliciting the required informationfor the study. The data collected were analyzed and interpreted to find outdifficulties in reading comprehension and its causes. It was found that thesecondary level students of Kaski district had major difficulty to understand themeaning of vocabulary items in reading comprehension. They also faced theproblem of language structure. The main causes behind this was lack ofpersistency and motivation. This thesis is organized in four chapters. The first chapter deals withgeneralbackground, importance of reading, reading comprehension, types of reading,techniques of teaching reading comprehension, stages in teaching reading,problems revealed from reading comprehension, factors affecting readingcomprehension, review ofthe related literature, objectives and significance ofstudy. The second chapter is concerned with the methodology used in thestudy, under which sources of data, sampling procedure, tools for datacollection, process of data collection and limitations ofthe study are described.The third chapter deals with analysis and interpretation of data. This chapter consists of two sub-sections. The first sub-section deals with analysis of questionnaire to the students. The second sub-section deals with the analysis of questionnaire to the teachers. The final chapter deals with the major findingsand recommendations of the study.