Factors affecting the girls's learning in Mathematics at secondary level

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Department of Mathematics Education
Education helps a child become a useful and responsible member of the society. It is regarded as the greatest force in the development of a nation economically, socially and culturally. In the context of school education in Nepal, most of the students fail or achieve a low score in mathematics that creates the barrier for the further study (Pokhrel, 2018). The main concern or area of this study was "Factor Affecting the Girl's Learning in Mathematics at Secondary Level." The objectives of the study were to identify the factors that affect learning in Mathematics of girl's students, to identify the problem faced by girl students to learn mathematics and also to identify the strategies taken by the school administration for improving mathematics learning. The descriptive case study approach was adopted to conduct the study under the qualitative research design. Interview and classroom observation were used as tools for data collection. This study was conducted with the sample of five girl students, head teacher, one mathematics teacher and two parents as respondents. The researcher observed classroom and interviewed with related students, head teacher, mathematics teacher and parents. The collected information were analyzed and interpreted with the help of conceptual framework and linking it with theoretical construction. This study found that lack of classroom management, lack of peer group learning in mathematics classroom, lack of suitable textbook, having a large number of students in mathematics classroom, lack of teaching method and materials in the class, lack of teacher's teaching technique, lack of interest of learner, lack of students home environment, lack of parent's educational status, technologies impact, teacher's behavior towards girls, menstruation problem, lack of school's policies for learning. Also, there was not enough references book and practice book, library, class size was big so that disturb in teaching and learning process, communication between teacher to parents and students was menial and there was poor economical condition of the students, are also the factors that affects the girl's student learning in mathematics.