Resistance Against the Colonial Domination in Lessing's The Wind Blows Away Our Words

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Central Department of English
This research, on Lessing's The Wind Blows Away Our Words presents how the colonial domination has been reacted by writer through the depiction of the miserable condition of the Afagan society. Afagan society has been under dogged by the colonial oppression rendering it voiceles by the colonial culture,which has been reacted by the writer, which is the finding of the research. The research is based on the postcoloinal assumption presented by the leading postcolonial thinkers such as Gyatri Chakrarorth Spivak, Ranjit Guha and Salman Rushdie. How the non-western country has been exploited by the colonial domination has been presented by the research thematically and technically. The thematic notion presents the excrements of colonialism, whereas the technical aspects present the Non-western setting, Afagan dialect and Afagan culture to serve the postcolonial thematic.