Students’ Perceptions of Teachers'Corrective Oral Feedback in ELT Classroom

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Faculty of Education
The title of my research was ‘Students Perceptions ofTeachers' CorrectiveOral Feedback in ELT Classroom. The main objectives of this research study were toexplore students’ perceptions towards teachers’ oral feedback on their speaking and tosuggest some pedagogical implications. A quantitative research design was used inthis study. This studywas carried out using bothprimary and secondary sources ofdata. For, primary data, sixty students were selected from two secondary schoolsofTanahunDistrict. I used both closed and open-ended questions to elicit the requireddata. The data were collected by doing classroom observation and group discussion. Itwas found that the students would like to get positive feedback and sometimes bothsimultaneously to improve themselves. Studentswould liketo be informed about theirmistakes rather than readymade answers by the teachers.The majority of the studentswere found paying attention to the teachers’ feedback. They also suggested some tipsfor helping them to revise more successfully. This thesis consists of five chapters. The first chapter deals with thebackground of the study, statement of the problem, objectives of the study, researchquestions, significance of the study, delimitations ofthe study,and operationaldefinitions of the key terms. The second chapter presents the review of theoreticalliterature,review oftheempirical literature, implication of the review for the study,and conceptual framework. Similarly, the third chapter deals witha methodology thatincludes research design and method of the study, study area, population, sample andsampling procedure, sources of data, data collection techniques and tools, datacollection procedure,data analysis, andinterpretation procedure andethicalconsiderations. Likewise, the fourth chapter deals withtheanalysis and interpretationof results. And the fifth chapter presents findings, conclusions,and recommendations.This chapter is also followed by referencesand appendices.