Proficiency of Tenth Graders in English Subject-Verb Agreement

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Department of English Education
This research work entitled "proficiency of tenth graders in Englishsubject–verb agreement" aims to find out the ability in the use of subject verbagreement in English. Subject verb agreement is one of the most importantparts of grammar. Until and unless being competent on it,no one can speak andwriteaccurate sentence. The main objective of this study was to find out theproficiency and compare the proficiency in the use of subject verb agreementby government and private schools of tenth graders of Chitwan district. For the research work the research selected the four different schools;two government schools and two private schools. Then he selected 25 studentsrandomly from each school and administered the test items. Thus, the totalnumber of sample population for the study was one hundredwhowerestudyingclass ten.Among themfifty were boys and fifty were girls. It was found that private school students were more proficient thangovernment school students and boys were slightly more proficient than girls.In the total proficiency, the student secured 55.03%. Their overall proficiencyin subject verb agreement could be considered satisfactory. The collected data were analyzed, tabulated and interpreted by using thesimple statistical tools like percentage and average. The obtained results werecompared and contrastedone another. The study consists of four chapters.The first chapter deals with Introduction. This chapter consists of general background, English in Nepal, Importanceof Grammar, The functionsubject in English Sentence, Verbs, Rules of Subject verb agreement inEnglish, Proficiency test,Significance of the study, Objectives of the study andReview of related literature. The second chapter deals with Methodology of the study. It consists ofsource of data, sampling procedure, tools of data collection,pilot study, processof data collection, limitation of the study and data analysis procedure. The third chapter deals with analysis and interpretation of the study. Itconsists of analysis of the total proficiency in subject verb agreement, itemwise analysis of total proficiency, analysis of total proficiency on grading onsubject verb agreement and grading system. The fourth chapter deals with findings and recommendations of thestudy. The findings and recommendations are suggested to the concernedauthorities.