Assertion of The Strength of Appreciative Inquiry in Aditya Man Shrestha’smistress of Faith

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Department of English
The present researchfocusesonfinding out the process and the way of success in life. The novelMistress of Faithby Aditya Man Shrestha opensa different way to live lifethrough the portrayal of protagonist, Lata.In the beginning, the protagonistis a dominated, quiet and a very simple woman. She is unheard, unnoticed both in the family and in the society. Butlatershe gets immense success personally, socially and culturally. The major technique she applies in her life isinquiryand critical analysisover culture, rituals and religious scripts.Itprovides her new truths andrealitiesdifferentfromexisting ones. The new findings encourage and enable her to challenge the status-quo mentality anddehumanizingpractices of the society.Finally, she is able to convert ‘problem’ into ‘possibility.’This is the technique and strength of Appreciative Inquiry (AI) approach of change.Therefore,Mistress of Faithasserts the strength of AI for the successful life.