Teachers’ View Promotion of Peace through English Language Teaching

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Department of English Education
The thesis entitled ‘Promotion of Peace through English Language Teaching in the Context of Nepal’ is an attempt of the researcher to find out the possibility of promoting peace in various EFL contexts in Nepal aspeace has become the concern of each and every Nepalese. It also aims to find out the role of English language in promoting peace in Nepal being the international language as well as the most powerful language in the present world. This thesis presents a descriptive,statistical analysis and interpretation of the teachers’ attitude towards connecting language teaching with peace and also the sufficiency of the materials in the present secondary level English textbooks which can be used for promoting peace.The researcher collected data from forty secondary English teachers working in Dhading district. Questionnaire was used as the research tool to collect the data.Altogether twenty nine items were included in the questionnaire. They had focused on the possibility of providing peace education through ELT, its effectiveness,teachers’ role in EFL classes for this purpose and the materials in the present EFL textbooks. Among the teachers, the vast majority of them viewed that peace in Nepal can also be promoted through ELT and the teachers can associate their teaching with promoting peace.The researcher also went through the present secondary level English textbooks to find out the sufficiency of the materials for the aim of promoting peace. Only a few contents from the both TBs are found to be useful for this aim.The thesis is divided into four chapters. Chapter one includes general background,review of the related literature, objectives and significance of the study. Chapter two includes methodology applied to carry out the research. Chapter three is the analysis and interpretation of the data and their statistical presentation. The researcher presents the findings, recommendations and pedagogical implication of the study in the fourth chapter. The study is concluded with the references and appendices.