Effectiveness of Co-Operative Learning in Teaching writing

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Department of English Education
This research work entitled"Effectiveness of cooperative learning inteaching writing"is an attempt to find out the effectiveness of cooperativelearning in teaching writing and aims to list some pedagogical implications.The study was conducted in Janasewa Higher Secondary School, Kirtipur,Kathmandu. The students of class ten of section 'B' werepurposively selectedas the sample of the study. A pre-test was administered before startingteaching. Then, the students were taught for a month using cooperative learningmethod. Three progressive tests were administered during the course ofteaching and finally, apost-test was administered to determine the achievementof the students. And altogether five tests were administered and scores werecompared with each other. The data were analyzed descriptively usingstatistical tools like average, percentage, mean and presented usingParaorthographicaltests such as tables, diagramsetc. After the interpretation andanalysis of data, it was found that the cooperative learning method waseffective in teaching writing skillat secondary level. This thesis comprises four chapters. Chapter one deals with generalbackground, review of the related literature, objectives of the study andsignificance of the study. Chapter two deals with the procedure adapted tocarry out the research. It contains information on the sources of data,population of study, sampling procedure, tools, process of data collection andlimitations of the study. The data obtained through the different tests aretabulated, analyzed and interpreted using statistical tools in thechapterthree.Chapter four deals with the major findings of the study on the basis of theanalysis and interpretation of the collected data. It also deals with somerecommendations made, being based on the major findings of the study.Finally, chapter four is followed by the references and appendices.