Child Labour in Hotel, Restaurant and Tea shops (A Case Study of Child Labour in Kathmandu City)

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Department of Rural Development
The study of child labour in hotel, restaurant and tea shops is based on Kathmandu district in various hotel, restaurant and tea shops. Child labour is a social and widespread problem of Nepal. Hotel, restaurant and tea shops work is the visible and hazardous forms of child labourers, where it is common in the urban area of Nepal.The study concerns with the child labourers engaged in hotel, restaurant and teashopsin Kathmandu city especially New Bus Park. The study draws the information mainlyabout the socio-economic, working and health condition and root causes of child labourers in hotel, restaurant and tea shops and problem faced by them. This study is mainly based on primary data collection from New Bus Park at Kathmandu city, using purposive sampling technique. The number of child labour ersinter viewed is 127, and the secondary data were taken from references, books etc. The collected primary data are analyzed by using the SPSS software. This study includes 127 child labour of 5 - 17 years age from different hotel,restaurant and tea shops where the total respondent is 127 with 110 male and 17 female. This study found that almost all(97.6%) of the respondents were literate and only 2.4 percent were illiterate. More than half(54.4%)of the respondents were left school due to poverty. Majority of child labour(55.1%) left home for work due tofamily poverty. Majority of child labourers(61.4%)work 10-12 hours a day. Out oftotal respondent, 2.4 percent have not their own house. The study has found that extreme poverty,unemployment,domestic quarrel which are the root cause of child migration and engaged in hazardous working condition. They are extremely exploited/mistreated in their working place, economically, physically and mentally by their owner/clients etc.