Cultural Ambivalence in ZadieSmith'sOn Beauty

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Faculty of Art in English
The research critically examines the relationship between two racially different characters Belsey and Kiki. Besley is a white person from Britain who marries African- American Kiki. The clash between liberal and conservative academic values and it leads the cultural ambivalence due to the mixed race. The marital relationship between the two different races results in the disharmony and hence became the victim of separate culture multi adjustment and troubles with children from mixed race. Kiki and Carlene remain the best friend despite the failed relationship of their family. In the line of Homi K. Bhabha, this thesis argues that Zadie Smith presents the culturally ambivalent character. Characters show the complex genealogy of each family and foretell the impact of cultural and familiar history will have on their London born children. There is a conflict between the white and black. In the novel, the story covers the difficulties of cultural difference and their children as they are comforted by the different society. Kiki is in ambivalent and inbetween state. She is in hybridity: she always tries to fit herself in the white surrounding that further leads her to frustration, ambivalence, alienated, and dislocated. It brings the loss of identity.