Beliefs of English Teachers in Using Multimedia

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Department of English Education
This research work entitled ‘Beliefs of English Teachers in Using Multimedia’aims to find out the beliefs of the teachers of Kathmandu valley in usingmultimedia and to find out the challenges faced by the teachers while applyingthem. I prepared a set of questionnairecontaining both open-ended and close-ended questions to elicit the primary data. Fifty English teachers who usemultimedia in their teaching were selected using purposive sampling procedureand given questionnaire for data collection. The collected data were analyzed andinterpreted descriptively using simple statistical tool. The findings show that theteachers using multimedia in their teaching have positive beliefs on it. Ninety-eight per cent respondents favor it and suggest others to apply it as well. Thisstudy also shows that lack of skill in using multimedia, not enough technologicalknowledge on them, no alternative power support are the major challenges facedby the teachers. This thesis consists of four chapters. Chapter one deals with the introduction of theterm belief, teachers’ belief, and modern technology in language teaching. Sincethis study is related to the multimedia use, it includes history and development ofmultimedia, advantages of multimedia in ELT. This chapter further includes thereview of related literature, objectives and significance of the study. Similarly,chapter two deals with the procedure adopted to carry out the research. It containsthe information of data sources, sampling procedure, tool and process used fordata collection, and limitations of the study. Chapter three consists of thecategorical analysis and interpretation of the data collected through thequestionnaire. Chapter four deals with the major findings of the study on the basisof analysis and interpretationof collected data. It also deals with somerecommendations made on the basis of the findings. Finally, chapter four isfollowed by the references and appendices.