Multiple Translation of Developmental literature

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Faculty of Education
The study entitled ‘Multiple Translation of Developmental Literature’wasan attempt of theresearcher to find out theexisting condition of translationwork used indevelopmental literaturein terms of translation equivalence,techniques andcontextual variationas well as developmental trendsin the fieldof translation.After discussingthe important information from different angles,there is minute analysisfor impartingnew findings. While talking of the toolforresearch,observation and statement collectionprocess were applied.Thefindingof the research is based on theinformationcollected from thefivedevelopmental literaturesavailable in English and Nepali versions.The majorfindings of the researchshowthetranslation work as one of the technical aswell as professional jobs.This study has selected forty developmental termswhich are frequently used in five developmental literaturewith the translatedversions.Thetranslations of some developmental terms haveno one to oneequivalence and some terms havebeentranslated wrongly.There is variation ofthe same terms while translating the textin different context.It showsthetranslation is the matter ofsubjective notion.Every translator can contributefrom different angles in the field of translation. The thesis consists of four chapters. The first chapter consists of introduction,general background, theories of professional development of teachers andgeneral introduction ofdevelopmental literature,objectives of the study and thesignificance of the study. The second chapter deals with the methodology oftheresearch.Thesources of informationwereten setsofdevelopmentalliteratures. This chapter presents the limitations of the research, too. The thirdchapter deals with the rigorous analysis and interpretationofthe collectedinformation. Theinformationwasanalyzed and interpreted by usingdescriptiveapproach.The fourth chapter presents the findings and recommendationsofthis research.References and appendices form the concluding part of the thesis.