Strategies Adopted by X Graders in Learning English Vocabulary

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Department of English Education
While learning a language, the importance of learning vocabulary of thatlanguage can hardly be exaggerated. The language users get problem ingaining command over the language unless they are able to use andunderstand the vocabulary in their own utterance. Thus, this thesis attempts tofind out the strategies of learning vocabulary in English adopted by thestudents studying in grade ten. The population of the study consisted of 100students studying in five different schools of Kathmandu valley. Theinformants were selected purposively. A set of questionnaire was used tocollect the data. On the basis of the collected data, the strategies employed bythe students were determined using simple statistical tools like percentageand mean weightage. The study consists of four chapters:Chapter one encompasses general background, review of related literature,objective of the study, significance of the study and definition of specificterms. Chapter two deals with methodology. It incorporates sources of data,population of the study, sample population, tools for data collection, andprocess of data collection, limitation of the study and procedure of the studyand procedure for data analysis. Chapter three includes presentation analysis and interpretation of data. Thedata has been analysed and interpreted on the basis of mean weightage andpercentage. Chapter four includes findings, conclusion and recommendations. Somefindings have been presented on the basis of the analysis and interpretationdone in the previous chapter. With the help of findings, conclusion is drawnand some recommendations are made.The appendices and bibliography are given in the final part of the thesis.