Masculinity in Crisis in Checkov's Ivanov

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Department of English
The present thesis entitled "Masculinity in crisis in Chekhov's Ivanov" exposes the critical condition of masculine identity of Ivanov, the protagonist of the play. Beside him this research project also excavates the panic and pathetic condition of other male's characters of the play. It also exposes the major causes and consequences after the crisis of masculinity. Masculinity as the school of thought demands some sorts of activities form males in the society. Males in the patriarchal society are demanded to be bold, courageous, rational, domineering, leading, aggressive, and like that. In the play, most of the male character along with protagonist Ivanov, instead of conforming their males values, practice and traits, adopt and expose the feminine traits. Their suffering, irrationality, irresponsibility, poverty are the major promises to prove their poor masculine power. The condition of the reversal of their masculine identity have analyzed with the help the theoretical conceptual tools named masculinity, by borrowing the main ideas from R.W. Connells's Masculinities. The way the protagonist commits suicide and escape from the responsibilities is the strong evidences to show his timidity. Along with the protagonist, other male characters' irresponsibility, cowardice, irrationality can be observed throughout the play.  