Role of women to generate the income in the household economy: A case study of Phedikhola VDC, Syangja District

Gurung, Manju
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Department of Economics
This thesis entitled ‘ Role of Women to generate the income in the Household Economy’, a case study of Syangja district, has been carried out in partial fulfilment of the degree of Masters of Arts in Economics. It is an explanatory, analysis driven and descriptive type of thesis. The study analyzes the role of women to generate the income in the household economy, specifically in Phedikhola VDC Ward No. 2, Syangja. The general objectives of this study are to find out the economic-demographic structure of Phedikhola VDC and to analyze the economic decision making rightsof women.Varied and thorough methods were used to find the best ways to collect data and transform them to relevant information. The study is based on primary and secondary data out of 399 households where 200 were chosen; each woman household member has been considered in the field work as they represent the subject of the study and provide a useful comparison against census surveys and personal interviews. During the study, primary and secondary data are collected by using both quantitative (applied Participatory Rural Appraisal Tools) and qualitative methods (questionnaires). These results are shown by using comprehensible tables, charts, and diagrams. The interesting topic of household economy also brings a unique dynamic when studying how families in rural Nepal maintain sustenance and this study looks into its ever-changing nature. Traditional economics at a glance occurs in the markets however a household economy can contain internal transfer and consumption goods, which solely benefit ones household. This is where women can be recognized as being active and forms a baseto further possible economic ventures. This study suggests appropriate measures to enhance women’s economic and social positions at the grassroots level. Ultimately, it shows women are gradually contributing positively tothe economy, which is greatly geared up to social change and local development. At an individual household and societal level, the economic status of women is still not fully integrated with modern forms of economics. Participation activeness in general meetings and discussions are moderate. Effort to income ratiois also arguable; this is to say that the work of women is sometimes taken on face value to be standard household practices rather than it being a paid profession of society. Women have been given a chance on paperas a contributing member of society but in reality they are sometimes locked in self-decisionrather than communal thinking. There is no denying however of the improved involvement of women in actual income generating household activities as well as the confidence gained from economic empowerment and possibility of new opportunities.
Women empowerment, Economic status