Domestic Violence Against Married Womenin Duwakot Vdc Of Bhaktapur District

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Department of Population Studies
This study is carried out to know the situation of domestic violence against married women, types of domestic violence,knowledge of human rights, women's right, gender issue, knowledge of legal provision, social and community level organization which are working to protecting victim women, causes of violence and situation of seeking remedy of violence against women. Well-devised structure questionnaire are used for interview. In questionnaire, there are pre-coded and open question. The study was conducted in all words of the VDC but researcher were selected 12 respondents from each wards of the whole VDC. There searcher have taken 108 respondents for study purpose. The study population consist of married women, currently married women,widow and separated of aged 15-49 years age groups. Highest proportion 22.1 percent of women interviewed are at the age groups 25-29 years, followed by 30-34 years age groups 18.5 percent which is intermediate age groups. The total number of respondents are 108among them 42.5 percent are from Newar caste, followed by Chhetri/Thakuri 28.7 percent, Brahmin 17.6 percent, Gurung 5.6percent and 62.1 percent married women, 23.5 percent are divorced,9.26 percent are divorced women and lowest percentage 5.6 are separated women of the study area. According to the field survey, most of the respondents are living in small family. Total number of respondents is 108 among them, most of the respondents are involved in agricultural work. According to field survey of this VDC the status of awareness level of women's legal rights and social and community based organization is not so high, most of the respondents concial incidents for the sake of prestige. On the basis of opinion. of the respondents the cause of domesti cviolence is misunderstanding, unemployment, alcohol, gambling, drug addicting, childlessness, not able to work, marital problem. For supportof victim, majority of respondents give emphasis on skilful training andmake able to economic activities. Variation in solutions of domesticviolence according to the opinion of respondents 20.5 percent saidproviding job opportunity, 14 percent said to control alcohol, 10.2percent said creating rallies and campaigns, 13 percent said to skilful training for women, 7.4 said that believe to each other, 8.3 percent said that to respect wife, 6.5 said that to love daughters-in-law. At last, it is suggested that local Youth Clubs, CBOs and NGOs will give their attention in this field to prevent/ eliminate DVAW. In addition to awareness and empowerment opportunity for qualified women and women should have right of self determination.