Empowerment of Women in Tagore’s The Home and the World

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Department of English
Tagore’s ‘The Home and the world’ empowers Woman character. It revolts against the traditional and patriarchal society. It holds modern view and rejects traditional view about woman. It gives voice to equality and freedom for women. It gives voice to equality and freedom for woman. This novel, while reading through a feminist prospective, rejects traditional values and expectations of male made society (Patriarchal society).It supports the beliefs and values of Modern society by showing Bimala as a main strong protagonist around whom the whole story and whole character of the novel roams. In the beginning, we see Bimala happy with her household duties. She doesn’t have concern with the outside world. Through the help of her husband, Nikhil, she comes to the outside world and realizes the fertility of her life. She realizes that outside world is also as much important as the inside world. When a woman will be able enough to adjust herself in the outside world as in the inside world, then only her life will be worthy. Through Bimala, Tagore gives a message to the whole women that they should get education and should make themselves strong enough to struggle in the outside world for their identity.