Lending policies of commercial banks in Nepal

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Department of Management
The completion of the present study is a result of help and support of several hands. Therefore, I would like to express my heartful gratitude to all those respondents for their support and help. First of all thanks to the entire helping hands in order to complete the work successfully. I am highly indebted to my thesis supervisor Lecturer Ajaya Prasad Dhakal for his constant encouragement, patient guidance and valuable supervision at every stage of my work. This work would not have been materialized at the present form without his incisive observations and intellectual direction in the course of completion. I would also like to give special thanks to Prof. Dr. Dev Raj Adhikari, Head, CDM, T.U., Kirtipur for their kind co-operation and guidance. I am also grateful to all the professors, lecturers as well as staffs of the Central Department of Management, Kirtipur whose suggestions made me able to finalize this thesis. I am equally grateful to librarians of T.U. Central Library, Department Librarians for their help. Likewise, I would like to express my gratitude to the responding companies, financial executives and practitioners for solving my queries without which it would be different for met to complete this thesis. I am thankful to my parents for their continuous supports and corrective suggestions. I would like to thanks to all my friends. It was a great experience of doing a thesis work which certainly helped me to gain deep knowledge in the subject matter. Though it was very difficult to get data and information, it was pleasant feeling to accomplish the thesis work finally.