Social, Cultural and Economic Status of Kumal Community of Bhimad Village Development Committee, Tanahun

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Department of Sociology/Anthropology Prithivi Narayan Campus Pokhara
Nepal is a country of multiplicity. Here are various kinds of castes and races of people. They have different type of customs, culture and traditions. These cultures, traditions and customs are the recognition of our country. Among various castes and races of people, Kumals are one of them. In Tanahun district, Bhimad VDC there are 60 households in Ward No 1 whereas there are twenty household in Ward No 7. I have studied the Socio- Culture and Economic Status of these areas. In addition to these I have studied their Educational Status and their relation with other people. The present study focuses on the changing socio-cultural and economy condition of Kumal and factors responsible for it. The Kumal or ethnic group is least studied group by native and foreign sociologist. The way of worshipping their village deities, believe in spirits, typical dress pattern and cluster types of settlement pattern distinctly differ from other ethnic groups. On one hand, due to the domination of “High Castes’ Kumals are loosing their native culture, philosophy of life style, self confidence about their own traditions, language and beliefs. But on the other hand, due to the domination of “High Castes” Some significant changes are seen in education, health sector, sanitation, economic activities ands way life style of Kumal community in Bhimad VDC. This thesis is divided into six chapters. In the first chapter, I’ve included Background, Study Area, Objectives of the Study, and the Importance of the Study Area and its Limitation of the Study Area. In the background, general introduction of Kumal, is shortly sketched. Although, most of the Nepalese are the generation of Aryans but we have a lot of variation. Why such differences are there? Why Kumals are backward, uneducated and poor? Such types of questions are included here: for this I’ve noted the following objectives. Similarly, in chapter two, I’ve given the place for Literature Review. In Literature Review, I’ve enlisted briefly post reading literature as well as present study of Kumal. I have mentioned different models of theory such as Dependence Theory, World System Theory, Gender Perspective, Modernization and Sanskritiziation. In this study, I’ve included conceptual frame work as well as theoretical framework. Moreover, this study is linked mostly with Marxist view. The third chapter enlightens about the method of the thesis how descriptive and explanatory model in data collection is used. The main sub- titles are research design, sampling census, nature and source of data collection, data collection technique, household survey, key-informant interview and group discussion. I’ve used census method as I’ve taken 80 households. In data collection I’ve implemented primary and secondary data. For questionnaires, I visited their door to door for getting actual and reliable information and data. In chapter four, I’ve entitled setting of the study area. In this chapter, there are many subtitles such as physical feature of the study area, climate and weather, the economy, agriculture, natural resources, settlement pattern, physical appearance, dress and ornaments, food, habit, division of labor, language and, socio culture feature and so many concerning patterns are included. In the fifth chapter, I have set data analysis and presentation. I’ve included here about 27 tables, bar diagram as well as pie charts. These tables, diagrams, and pie charts make easy to understand the data. The data are of different subjects such as age of Kumals, education status of Kumals, their house types and sanitation, household applicants, food production, their occupational status, foreign going records, different types of marriage they prefer, their yearly income and expenditure and so many concerning subtitles are purposed here. Through quick look on the table we actually understand the economy, the education and social status of Kumal community of this area. And in chapter six, I’ve written summary, conclusion and recommendation. In this way I’ve ended this thesis.