Effectiveness of Visual Materials in Reading Comprehension

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Department of English Education
The main objective of this studywasfindoutthe effectiveness of visual materials in reading comprehension.Shree Gyan Jyoti HigherSecondarySchool,Gorkha was selected purposive for data collection. Sixty studentsstudying in grade ix were the primary source,asthe primary data for thestudywasobtainedby administering teststothem. At theentry point, a pre-test was administered. Then, the students were divided into two groups onthe basisof result of the pre-test to maintain equal level of proficiency ofboth the groups and were termed as‘controlled’ and ‘experimental’groups.Both the groups were taught the selected items for the specified time.Butthecontrolledgroupwas taughtwithoutusingvisualmaterials. At the end ofthe classroom teaching, a post-test was administered. The obtained data werecompared,analyzedand interpreted todeterminethe effectiveness of visualmaterials.Bythis study itwasfound that thevisual materials inEnglishreading comprehension, since the experimentalgrouphad performed betterin all the areas in pots-test. Thethesiscomprises four chapters. Chapter one deals with the introductionof teaching visualmaterialswith theshorthistory of theiruse in teaching theEnglish language in Nepal. It alsoincludes the review of therelatedliterature, objectives of the study andsignificanceof the study.Chaptertwodealswith the sources of data, population and sampling procedure, processof data collection and limitations of the study. The third chapter is devotedto the interpretation and analysis of the data collected. To analyzethedata,the average scores were tabulated and the differencebetween pre-test andpost-test was calculated in terms ofaverage scores and percentage.Theexperimental(group 'B')wastaught using visual materials got its averagescores increased in seen text, unseen text, paraorthographic text and otherreading text by 66%, 60.66%, 57.50% and 62.70% respectively in the posttest whereas the controlled group got its average scores increased in thesame areas by 14.78, 16.17, 26.92 and 21.05 percent respectively in theposttest. It shows that the progress rate of experimental group was higher inall areas.Finally,chapter four deals with the findings and recommendationsof the study. The findings have been outlined on the basis of the analysis andinterpretation of the data, and appropriate recommendations and pedagogicalimplications have been presented.