Knowledge and Attitudes towards STIs and HIV/AIDs Among secondary School Students (A Study of Selected Three Secondary School in Patharaiya Vdc of kailali District)

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Department of population studies
The study is about "Knowledge and Attitude Towards STIs and HIV/AIDSAmong Secondary School Students" in which students are selected from three schoolsof Kailali District. Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and HIV/AIDS are still the majorchallenge for world health in 21 st century. At first HIV/AIDS spread from UnitedStates. Then it transmitted in Europe to South Asia. HIV/AIDS has become as well ascritical public health issue particularly in Africa facing prevention and control havebeen made andmethod continuously by United Nations, Governments, WHO, NGOsand INGOs to minimize the spread of HIV. The objective of this study is to identify the socio-economic background ofsecondary schools students. Similarly other objective is to examine the knowledge onsymptoms, modes of transmission and preventive measures of STIs and HIV/AIDS.Other objective is to identify their attitudes towards STIs and HIV/AIDS infectedperson in their society. There are three secondary schools are selected purposively. Altogether 120respondents were selected in those three high schools. Among them 60 respondentswere boys and 60 respondents were girls. Some of the respondents reported that theyhave not heard about STIs. However all of the respondents reported that theyhaveheard about HIV/AIDS. It is shown from the study that 83.33 percent respondentheard about STIs. Similarly 94.16 percent respondent reported that they know theways of transmission of HIV/AIDS. This study shows that respondent have fewerknowledge about STIs then HIV/AIDS. Lack of significant knowledge of STIs and HIV/AIDS some of them havenegative attitude and behavior towards these disease. We should inform and educatethem about STIs and HIV/AIDS.