Analysis of Encouraging and Warning in English and Maithili

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Central Department of Education
The thesis entitled "Analysis of Encouraging and Warning in English andMaithili" is an attempt to find out forms ofencouraging and warningin Englishand Maithiliand compare them. The researcher used both primary andsecondary sources of data. The sample population of the study consisted of 60Maithili speakers. They were selected randomly. Questionnaire and structuredinterview werethe tools used for data collection. Secondary data were takenfrom Matreyek (1983, pp. 68,86), Blundell et al. (2009,pp.144, 149) andBhandari et al. (2007,pp. 99, 106).After completing the analysis of collecteddata 36 formswere found for encouraging and 33 forms for warning in English.Similarly, for encouraging,in Maithili,42 forms were found and for warning52 forms werefound. This thesis consists of four chapters. First chapter deals with introduction of thestudy. Itconsists of introduction to the English and Maithililanguages,linguistic scenario of Nepal,language functions, literature review andobjectives and significance of the study. The second chapter describes themethodology applied to carryout the research; it consists of primary sources ofdata, secondary sources of data, population of the study, sampling procedure,and tools for data collection, process of data collection and limitationsof thestudy. The third chapter consists of analysis and interpretation of the data. Itdeals with the forms ofencouraging and warning in English and Maithili andcomparison on the basis of number, sentence use and frequent form ofencouraging and warning. The fourth chapter presents the findings derivedfrom the analysis and interpretation of data. It also consists ofrecommendations to the teachers, students and learners of the English andMaithili language as second language. In the final section of the study, thereferences and appendicesareincluded.