Epidemiology of Gastrointestinal Helminths in Goats of Banke , Nepal

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Department of Zoology
Capra hircus (goat) is one of the most important species of domestic livestock in Nepal.This species is greatly affected by the helminth parasites. The current study was carried out to determine the prevalence of Gastointestinal Helminths in goats of Banke. The fecal samples were examined qualitatively by differential floatation and sedimentation technique and quantative (egg per gram) examination was done by Stoll’s counting method. A questionnaire survey was conducted among 30 randomly selected goat owners regarding management practices and use of anthihelmintecs. A total of 315 fecal samples of which 165 in post rainy season and 150 in winter season were examined to determine the prevalence and intensity of helminths infection in goats. The study revealed 208 fecal samples out of 315 samples (66.03%) with significant EPG. The prevalence was higher in wet season (75.75%) than in dry season (55.33%) and was statistically significant (2=5.311, P<0.05).The most common parasites encountered were Strongyloides (24.39%), Haemonchus (20.97%), Moniezia (20.52%), Trichostrongylus (19.45%), Trichuris (17.65%), Fasciola (17.25%), Nematodirus (11.12%), Paramphistomum (9.28%), Oesophagostomum (8.91%),Ostertagia (8.35%), Chabertia (7.65%), Dicrocoelium (5.45%) and Capillaria (2.15%). Altogether 13 genera of helminth parasites were found in present study among them one was cestode (Moniezia), 3 were trematodes (Fasciola, Paramphistomum and Dicrocoelium) and 9 were nematodes. This study showed 45.67% trematode infection, 24.51% cestode infection and 82.21% nematode infection. The prevalence of helminths infection reflects a higher occurrence in the adults (70.54%) followed by the kids (63.38%) with young goats (62.60%) having the least. The prevalence was highest in Mahadevpuri (69.52%) followed by Khaskushma (68.57%) and least in Rajhena (60.01%). Out of 208 (66.03%) positive samples, 158 (75.95%) positive samples were found to have mixed infections.Most of the farmers are unaware of helminths parasite problems. There should be provision of adequate and appropriate control strategies and awareness programs for farmers to enhance the goat farming and increase productivity.