Empowerment of Dalit Women Through Agriculture (A Sociological Study of Pokhara Metropolitan City-29, Patneri)

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Department of Sociology
This study was carried out for the analysis of participation of Dalit women in agricultural sector in Pokhara Metropolitan City-29 Patneri. This study was only limited to Dalit women in Patneri. The main objectives of the study were to find out the situation of Dalit women’s participation in agriculture and to explore their social,cultural, economic and psychological differences in different aspects. To meet these goals and objectives different literatures were reviewed which were related with agriculture and women’s empowerment. Both qualitative and quantitative data were collected by using different research tools and techniques. The emphasis was given to collect primary data. Primary data were collected by using observation, interview schedule, Structured and unstructured interview. Both closed and open-ended questions were used. The dissertation has nine chapters. The data which were collected by using different tools and are presented on the table and chart and then analyzed. The data related to their involvement in agriculture were emphasized.However, the personal information related to social, economic, political and psychological aspects are collected and analyzed. Participant Observation and Semi structures interview are the appropriate methods used to collect data. It was found that more women are motivated in agriculture. The benefits they got from agriculture provided them the boost to enroll in agriculture. The social dimension is better than before. The enrollment in agriculture develops the unique identity of the women in the society. The support they got from the family members inspire them and are able to engage freely. The women are now able to make the decision in different situations.They can now interact and discourse about their issues everywhere.