Forms of Address in Newari and English

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Department of English Education
This present research work entitled‘Forms of address in Newari and English’aimed at finding out the forms of address in Newari and to compare and contrast them with the English forms of address. For the accomplishment of the research work, the researcher used both primary and secondary sources of data. The researcher selected seventy-two respondents from six VDC’s of Sindhupalchok district including illiterate, literate and educated of both sexes as primary source.After the study and analysis, it is found that Newari has its own forms of address for different relations. It is also found that different forms of address are usedbydifferent people to address the same relation. For example,chi, chẽyāmā,bābucāyā bwā, nānicāyā bwā, mimja, kaimuandithiare used to address their husband by their wife's.The whole study encompasses four chapters. Chapter one consists of general background, review of the related literature, objectives and significance of the study. Similarly, chapter two contains the methodology adapted in course of study.Sources of data, tools for data collection and limitations of the study are also dealt with in chapter two. Chapter three presents the analysis and interpretation of the data obtained through primary sources. Chapter four includes findings and recommendations which are derived from the analysis and interpretation of the data. References and appendices are included at the end of this work to make the work more valid. ix Suresh Krishna Shrestha