Use of Nonverbal Communication in English Language Teaching Classroom

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Department of English Education
This study entitled “Use of nonverbal communication in English language teaching classroom” aimed to identify most frequently or currently used non-verbal cues of English language teachers and their role in English language teaching classroom. This study includes qualitative method. Ethnographic observation research design was used. A set of close ended questionnaire, checklist and a classroom observation were used as a tool to collect data from one teacher and their twenty four students in a class were selected to complete three weeks classroom observation and randomly five to seven students were selected to complete the checklist and questionnaire from the same school and the particular one class. The recorded classroom observation and reported points were transcribed, analyzed and interpreted in a thematic approach. The finding of this study shows that students are not satisfied and they are less interesting and motivating to the teachers who rarely used nonverbal cues in the language classroom. However the teachers frequently used non-verbal communication in English Language classroom is very effective and students were highly interesting or motivating to learn their classes more lively. The study provides ELT teachers, educators, policy makers, curriculum developers, syllabus designer as well students with insights into how the English Language Teaching can be very effective and outcome oriented. This thesis is organized in to five chapters, the first chapter deals with the background, statement of the problem, objective of the study, research question, significance of the study, delimitation of the study, and operational definition of the key terms. The second chapter includes review of related theoretical literature, review of empirical literature, implication of the review for the study and conceptual framework. Similarly, the third chapter deals with design and method of the study, population, sample and sampling procedures, study areas, data collection tool and techniques. Likewise the fourth chapter presents the analysis and interpretation of results and fifth chapter includes findings based on the analysis and interpretation of the data, conclusion derived from the findings and recommendations. This chapter is also followed by reference and appendices.