English and Dhimal Kinship Terms

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Department of English Education,Sukuna Multiple Campus,Indrapur Morang
The thesis entitled, "English and Dhimal Kinship Terms" has been carried out through both consanguineal and affinal types across five generations altogetheras well as male and female ego in English and Dhimal. This thesis presents athoughtful discussioninkinship terms usedin English and Dhimaland thenaclear picture of comparative study between English and Dhimal kinship terms,in terms of both appellative and addressive uses from the perspectives of both male and female ego.The main objectives of this study were to find out the different kinship terms of Dhimal and compare and contrast those terms withthe English kinship terms.The data of Dhimal kinship terms werecollectedfromthe fortynative Dhimal speakers ofDamakMunicipality,Jhapa and Rajgh at VDC ,Morang district using non-random snowball sampling procedure.Question nairesand unstructured interview were used as research tools.It wasfound out that there are 29 affinal and 35 consanguineal kinshiptermsin Dhimal.It was also found out that Dhimal languageis richerin terms of kinship terms in comparison to the English language. This thesis consists of four chapters. They are introduction,methodology analysis and interpretation of data, and findings and recommendations. The first chapter deals with general background, literature review, objectives of the study and significance of the study. Likewise, the second chapter includes sources of data, sample population and sampling procedure, tools for data collection, process of data collection and limitations of the study.Similarly, the second chapter contains analysis, interpretation and presentation of the data,which is main part of the thesis. Finally, the fourth chapter presents thefindings and recommendations on the basis of the analysis and Interpretation of the data. At the end of this thesis, appendices and references are included.