A Study on students’ communication Strategies in The Classroom

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Department of English Education
The present study entitled‘A Study onStudents’Communication Strategiesin theClassroom’isan attempt toanalyze thecommunication strategies used by the highersecondary level students.This study was carried out using both the primary andsecondary sources of data. For primary data,fiftystudents were randomly selected fromtwo higher secondary schools ofArghakhanchidistrict namely; ShreeNepal Rastriya andShree Harihar Higher SecondarySchools which were selectedusingpurposive/judgmentalnon-random sampling procedure. I used both close and open-endedquestionnaire to elicit the requireddatafor the study. It was found thatthe students usedtwelve different communication strategiesi.e. synonym, antonym, definition, guessing,asking, exemplification,gesture, avoidance, translation, explanationandcode switchingwhile talking with the teacher in the classroom. It shows thatalmost all of the students(80 percent)wouldthink thatcommunicationstrategieswere extremely usefulin theirlearning.Specifically,askingand gesturewerethe most frequent communication strategyused by the students. Thisthesis consists four chapters along with references and appendices at the end. Thefirst chapter deals with the introduction part which mainly includes general background,learning strategy, communication strategy, importance of communication strategies,thereview of related literature, objectives and significance of the study. The second chapterdeals with the methodology used in the study. The sources of data, sample and samplingprocedures, tools for data collection, data collection procedures and limitations of thestudy are included in this chapter. Chapterthree is the main part of the study whichincludes analysis and interpretation of the data. The final chapter encompasses with thefindings and recommendations made after the analysis of the data.