Proficiency in Guided Writing

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Faculty of Education
This research entitled "Proficiency in Guided Writing" was carried out to findout the guided writing proficiency of grade ten students of Rukum district andto compare their proficiency in terms of item, school and gender. It was alsocarried out to find out the weakness and strengths of the students in guidedwriting and to suggest some pedagogical implications. Four secondary schoolsof Rukum district were selected. Eighty students were selected randomly fromthe selected schools as sample population. A set of tests based on guidedwriting was used to collect the required data and the proficiency on guidedwriting was analysed and interpreted by using different tables, diagrams andstatistical tools (percentage, average). Holistic, Item-wise, school-wise andgender-wise analysis isdone separately. Parallel writing was found the easiestand writing a letter was found the most difficult and the girls proficiency washigher than that of boys. On the basis of main finings, the guided writingactivities should be practised with regularcorrection. This study consists of four chapters. Chapter one includes general background,review of the related literature, objectives of the study, and significance of thestudy. Chapter two deals with the methodology applied to carry out theresearch under which sources of data, population of the study, samplingprocedure, tools for data collection, process of data collection and limitation ofthe study were included. Chapter three presents the analysis and interpretationof the data collected from the informants. Chapter four presents findings andrecommendations of the study. The references and appendices are given at theend.