Effectiveness of Discovery Technique in teaching Causative and Modal Verbs

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Department of English Education
This study attempts to find out the effectiveness of discovery technique in teachingcausative and modal verbs. Forty students of grade nine studying at ShreePanchakanya higher Secondary School, Syangja are the sample population of thisstudy. The researcher himself was involved in experimental teaching for thepurpose of carryingout the research. The tests (pre-test and post-test) were majortools for data collection. A pre-test was administered before actual classroomteaching and post-test was administered immediately after classroom teaching.The students were ranked from first to fortiethposition on the basis of results ofthe pre-test. They were divided into two groups on the basis of odd even rankingof individual scores. Then, one group (Group A) was taught through discoverytechnique whereas another (Group B) was taught through explanation technique.Each group attended twenty four lessons.Then a post-test was given. After thattheresultsof these two tests were compared to determine the effectiveness ofdiscovery technique for teaching causative and modal verbs. Discovery techniquewas found to be effective and motivating technique in teaching causative andmodal verbs. This thesiscomprises the four chapters. The first chapterconsists of briefintroduction of related area of the study. It includes general background,objectivesof the study and significance of the study. Chapter two deals with themethodology adopted during the study. Chapter three consists of analysis andinterpretation of data on the basis of the average score obtained in the pre-test andpost-testbetween two groups.Chapter four presents findings andrecommendations drawn on the basis of analysis and interpretation of data.References and appendices are added to the fourth chapter.