Ideology and Class Consciousnessin Dostoevsky's Crime and Punishment
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Department of English
Exploitation, class conflict and poverty were continuously frozen in Russian
society. Dostoevsky'sCrime and Punishmentunfolds socioeconomic situation of
Tsarist Russia. The work depicts the pathetic condition of oppressed class in Russia. It
also reflects the tussle between upper and lower class people and their attempts to raise
their socioeconomic status. Raskolnikov, the protagonist, and other proletarian
characters are captured in the claws of bourgeois system that makes their life
deplorable. In reaction, Raskolnikov murders pawnbroker woman. His crime is a
resistance to bourgeois system. Soniais engaged in prostitution because of poverty that
is caused by exploitation. Social formation makes her continue her work for survival.
Dounia is a victim of bourgeois ideology. She works in Svidrigailov's house for
existence in the society. She is readyto marry Luzhin because of economic problems.
Seen from the idea of Lukacsian Marxist ideology, the novel portray sthe proletarian
class consciousness determined by socio-economic status. Raskolnikov resists
existence of socio-economic reality.Bourgeoisand proletariat characters are hostile to
each other due to their own ideologies. Pawnbroker woman exploits poor city people
taking high interest. Svidrigailov and Luzhin treat the villagers badly. They exploit
Sonia and Dounia. Proletariats try to establish their own ideologies so that they can
rebel against the bourgeois society.
Russian society, Socio-economic, protagonist