Washback Effect of Examination: A Case of Acourse in General English Exam at B.Ed.

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Department of English Language Education
This thesis entitled“Washback Effect of Examination A Case of A Course In English Exam at B.Ed.”endeavours to find out wash backeffect of B. Ed. exam. Moreover, the researcher wanted to find out theinfluence of the examination on teaching learning process as well as allthe agencies working in this field. It is tried to discover content validity,face validity and practicalityof examination at B.Ed. The researchercollected data from both primary and secondary source. The research hasbeen based on the responses of 50 students of B.Ed. from Rajarshi JanakCampus, Janakpur Campus, B.P. Koirala Campus, Dhungrebas MultipleCampus Bhiman, Sindhuli, M.Ed. first year students from UniversalCampus, Kirtipur and 5 teachers teaching the very subject from theaforesaid Campuses. The researcher used random sampling procedureand stratified random sampling procedure to sample the population. The secondary sources are different books, journals and theses. Thequestionnaire and class observation form were used as research tools fordata collection with the help of analysis and interpretation of dataprovided by informants, some finding were concluded which are citedbelow :- Students participation in the classroom is very low; teaching isteacher-centered, lecture method is widely used, use of teaching materialsis normal and wash back effect of examination is positive because it wasfound that examination has maintained validity and practicality in thesense that each year starting from 2059 to 2062 B.S. all the items areasked in the examination and students have got opportunity not to neglectany items to develop writing skill which is demanding skill to bedeveloped in students. The thesis consists of four chapters. They are introduction,methodology, analysis and interpretation; and finding andrecommendations. Chapter one contains general background, review of the relatedliterature,objectives of the study, significance of the study. Chapter two deals with methodology. It encompasses sources ofdata, sampling procedure, research tools and process of data collectionand limitations of the study. Chapter three is the main body of thesis which encompasses theanalysis and interpretation of the data. Chapter four incorporates finding and recommendations.