Conflict between Tradition and Modernity in Ivan Sergeyevich Turgenev’s Fathers and Sons

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Department of English
The present research entitled "Conflict between Tradition and Modernity in Ivan Sergeyevich Turgenev’s Fathers and Sons" excavates contradictions, conflicts and shows disagreements and disparity prevalent in the mid nineteenth century Russian society. The concept of younger and older generation of the then society comes into clash in many aspects of their life such as thinking, behavior, treatment and lifestyle. Older generation is represented by Nikolai Petrovitch and Pavel Petrovitch and younger generation by Arkady and Bazarov. Bazarov always seeks for new ideas and gives priority to western science and technology over the Russian orthodoxy culture and tradition. But older generation especially Nikolai Petrovitch is against of it and opposes Bazarov in many aspects of changes to the society. Bazarov succeeds to change orthodoxcal thinking of the then society by adopting the modern science and technology. The research explores how conflict comes into existence among people of the society because of modernization.