A Semantic Analysis of Magar and English Verbs

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Department of English Education
The thesis entitled ‘A Semantic Analysis of English and Magar Verbs’ attempts to analyze some English and Magar Verbs in terms of their meaning.The main purpose of this study wasto analyze English and Magar Verbs mainly on the basis of convergence and divergence,one to one correlation semantic overlapping of meaning. To accomplish the objectives of the study Magar native speakers were taken as the main informants for eliciting the data.They were selected using non-random judgmental sampling procedure. The verbs were collected through the structured interview with forty-six Magarnative speakers from different Siddipur and Basaha VDCs of Udayapur district.The English and Magar Verbs had been described in context.Similarly, the researcher selected forty-six Magar native speakers as respondents from different occupational background like; farmers,socialworkers and housewives. The main findings of this study were that there we inherent differences in semantic systems of English and Magar Verbs. This thesis has been divided into five chapters. Chapter one comprises background of the topic, statement of the problem, objectives of the study,research questions, significance of the study, delimitations of the study and operational definition of the key terms. The second chapter includes the review of the related theoretical literature, review of related empirical literature,implication of the review for the study and conceptual framework. The third chapter covers all the areas of methodology. Likewise, the forth chapter presents the analysis and interpretation of results and the fifth chapter includes conclusions and recommendations followed by references and appendices.