Vocabulary Achievement of Students From Different Ethnic Groups

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Department of English Education
ABSTRACT This dissertation entitled “Vocabulary Achievement of Students fromDifferentEthnic Groups” attempts to compare theachievement of vocabulary items included in thetext book of Grade Eight among different ethnic groups.Ten ethnic groups Chhetri,Brahmin-Hill, Magar, Tharu, Tamang, Newar, Kami, Yadhav, Rai and Gurungweretaken for the study where Chhetri, Brahmin-hill and Newar students were selectedrandomlyand the rest purposively.The studentsselectedunder this studywerealtogetherone hundred in numbers; ten from each of ten public schools of Kathmandu district.Theschools were selected purposively. The researchercounted the frequency of vocabulary items given inthe glossary ofthe English textbook for grade eight and selected altogether 100 vocabulary itemsconsistingof30 nouns, 30 verbs, 20 adjectives and 20 adverbs.70 % ofthem havinghighfrequency and30%having low frequencywere selected for the study. A set of writtentest paper was developed and administered to 100 students and their responses werecollected and studied. The main objective of the study was to compare the vocabulary achievementamong ten ethnic groups. As a whole, it was found that Brahmin-Hillstudentswerefoundmoreproficient in vocabulary items thananyother groups whereas the students fromKami ethnicity were found least proficient.Newar students in nouns, Chhetri students inverbs and adverbs and Magar students in adjectives achieved better next to Brahminwhereas Kami students in nouns and adverbs and Tharu students in verbs and adjectivesshowed the least achievement.Similarly, Chhetri stood in the second position, Newar inthe third, Magar in the fourth, Rai in the fifth, Yadhav in the sixth, Gurung in the seventh,Tamang in the eighth and Tharu in the ninth position. The present work is divided intofour chapters. The first chapter includes generalbackground,aspects of language, ethnicity,ethnicity in Nepal,definitionand types ofvocabulary, teaching and learning of vocabulary, review of the related literature,objectives of the study and significance of the study. The second chapter deals with themethodology, whichincludes sources of data,population of the study, sample population,sampling process, tools for data collection, process of datacollection and limitation of thestudy. The third chapter is concerned with the analysis and interpretation of the data.Findings and recommendations are given in the fourth chapter. The references andstudents’ answer sheetsare given in the appendices.