Domestic Violence Against Women(A study of Champe VDC in Rai community” in Bhojpur District)

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Department of Population Studies
This research is the case study of "Domestic Violence Against Women" in Rai community in Champe VDC of Bhojpur District. Mainly, the study focused on the level of knowledge and awareness of women on domestic violence, to examine the cause and impact on domestic violence among Rai community and identify the types of violence among the Rai community. This study is based on the primary data as well as secondary data. There are out of 126 household but only 108 household purposively selected and 856 populations in study areas where male are 452 and female are 404.According to the 2001 census 203018 total population in Bhojpur district. This study includes 108 married women between the age group of 15-49. In case of household where two eligible women were found, among them, most recently married woman was selected. Highest proportion(25.9%) of women interviewed are in their age groups 25-29 years, and lowest proportion (4.6%) of women interview in their age groups 45-49 years.According to the field survey, the highest percent of women were married in their age 15-19 years and low percent (15.7) of women were married 25+ Similarly,Out of 108 respondents, 88percent women have given birth to children11.2 percent women have not given birth. 52.9 percent respondents are literacy and 47.2 percent respondents are illiterate. According to the field survey, 60.1 percent respondent live in nuclear family and 39.9 percent respondents live with their joined or extended family. Among the total interviewed women highest percentage(42.5%)were involved in agriculture occupation and then second highest percent were in housewife. According to the field survey highest percentage followed(59.2%) kirat religion and followed by 31.5 percent Hindu. According to the opinion of respondents the cause of domestic violence is misunderstanding, unemployment, alcohol, gambling, not able to work and marital problems. For support of victim, majority of respondents give emphasis on awareness raising and counseling and family mediation. The study area Champe V.D.C of Bhojpur district is one of the remote area where women are fully depended upon the husband or male person of the family. Education of women may play important role in decreasing the domestic violence against women. There was not any responsible organization to listen to the voice of victim women. They are deprived from education, communication and information.