Problems faced by the teachers while teaching poetry at secondary level

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Department of English Education
This study entitled Problems faced by the Teachers While Teaching Poetry at Secondary Level aimed at exploring the problems faced by secondary level English teachers in teaching poetry and to suggest some pedagogical implications. The research followed narrative inquiry research design under qualitative- research approach. Semistructured interviews with five secondary level English teachers were used as the main research tool to collect the data. The participants were purposively selected from five different community schools, who have more than ten years teaching experiences. The collected data were interpreted and analyzed thematically and descriptively. The research reveals that teachers are facing problems while teaching poetry because of the due to lack of sufficient teaching materials, mother tongue interference, TPD training, sufficient use of techniques to teach poetry, illiterate family background of the students, translating poem into Nepali language, insufficient knowledge of the figure of speech and improper management of time as well as classroom. This study contains five chapters. The first chapter deals with background of the study, statement of the problem, objectives of the study, research questions, significance of the study, delimitations of the study and operational definitions of key terms. Similarly, the second chapter includes review of related literatures i.e. theoretical and empirical, implications of the review for the study and conceptual framework. Likewise, the third chapter consists of research methodology under which research design, tools, population, sample and sampling strategy, study area, data collection procedures and ethical consideration. Furthermore, the fourth chapter comprises of results and discussions. Finally, the fifth chapter focuses on conclusion and implications based on the analysis and interpretation of the data. Finally the references and appendices have also been included.